- flour
- water
- newspapers
- beer/soda/cereal boxes
- scissors
- masking tape
- sunglasses
- drill tool
- pipe-cleaners
- acrylic paint

I made around 25 of these masks to give to people during an event in Nevada last year. They're modeled after different large cats and various domestic felines that I've known. Some of the masks are affixed to painted sunglasses with pipe-cleaners. Other Masks have open eye holes with ribbons attached to tie around the head. Since the binding agent used in this recipe of paper mache is flour, wearing a cat mask is akin to wearing a bakery scented air freshener. Especially in hot places, so be sure to make large enough nostril holes.

It is wise to start collecting boxes in advance of any mask mass producing project. But it is also possible to work your way through as many beer boxes as possible as quickly as possible to get the same number of boxes. It's an adventure collecting materials!

These masks are hanging out to dry after being layered with a flour/water mixture and newspapers.
Gator Mask

- screws
- nuts
- washers
- large heavy hooks (for counterweight)
- duct tape
- glow in the dark paint
When constructing your mask, be sure to fit it to your head
(or someone's head).

Did you know there is such a thing as glow in the dark paint? The glow dies down after about five minutes, so if you want to glow all night be sure to bring a friend with a flashlight. The lower jaw is a hinge made from the long screws, large washers and nuts. Before beginning any painting, be sure to attach counterweights so it sits on top the head without tipping forward.

Gator is fond of booze, boats, lovely ladies and relaxing in park ponds:

Gator mask is retired to the wall of my studio, but he now and then makes appearances during local art festivals. In the picture below he lays in wait on one of my display tables. When an unsuspecting passerby comes close his jaws open with a hideous gator hiss!

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